Michael J. Akinyemi


I’m Michael Akinyemi, a rising senior at the University of Central Florida pursuing a B.S. in Biotechnology. My personal experiences with the shortcomings of modern medicine have instilled the belief that we need researchers with a truly interdisciplinary understanding of both computer science and molecular biology.

I had the opportunity to integrate both in the DeKosky Lab at MIT, where I improved their immune receptor sequencing platform by working to generate a cell line optimized for higher-efficiency library uptake, decreased the runtime of supercomputer analysis pipelines by >80%, and designed probabilistic models to detect sequencing errors. At my home institution, I independently developed a suite of scRNA-Seq analysis tools and investigated approaches to integrating multimodal datasets under the Nguyen Lab.

You’ll often see me biking and playing/developing video games. For de-stressing, I love to sit down and play with my two adorable guinea pigs.